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Startup Development, Design Research


Gigmole was a startup idea we prototyped during the GSB's 2-quarter Startup Garage program. It is the first event-specific community app that creates trusted, pop-up networks where concert-goers can interact with event-relevant information from their peers and connect over a shared experience. Here, I led the paper and digital prototyping, experiments, and design research.

As a dancer, needless to say, I love music and musical experiences. In this course, we sought out to find a way we could create a new business venture that improved the fan experience.  We didn't start with a problem or prompt and simply ventured into the industry with an open mind.  The obvious key players in this field were the fans and musicians.  However, through more digging the biggest and most critical role was the talent buyer, the key link between the fans and the musicians.  Even the most successful, with their keen intuition in predicting what fans wanted, had a 50% hit rate.  If only they could listen to what their fans are saying...

Gigmole is an app that creates a pop-up community feed beginning 12 hours before the event and ending 12 hours after.  It allows users to express their excitement, post pro-tips, and ask questions from their peers.

A Concert Bulletin Board for Fans

  • Community


  • Exclusive​


  • Filters


  • User-Regulated

With the rise in popularity of music festivals and musical experiences, we discovered fans wanted a way to make the most of it.  They had a desire to explore and connect with like-minded individuals who simply wanted to have an amazing time.

”As opposed to college parties where people are there for different motive...people are there for the music and to collectively have a good time.” - Tim

In order to test my assumptions, I developed an experiment using GroupMe, a popular group chat application with much success.  The screenshot below is a snippet of the actual conversations of one of the nights.  An interesting finding is that not only fans, but vendors at the event used it to post information such as the closing time of a photo booth.  


  • 40% Cold-call conversion rate

  • 50% Participants posted

  • 90% of questions answered in 10min

“I really like the concept of GigMole - the emotional pulse of knowing that thousands of people are listening to the same music together in the same place … we concertgoers would be interested in sharing that experience on the same platform” - Connie

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