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A collection of choreography, artistic sets, and concept videos.

Choreographer, Co-Director

Boss is a concept video co-directed with Feliciano Ortiz inspired by the mythical sea sirens who lure sailors out to sea to their untimely deaths. When I listened to this song, the ghostly trip-hop sound had such a beautifully haunting allure. I choreographed this dance with classic R&B hip hop vocabulary textured by her ethereal vocals and accented with the sharp snares.

Choreographer, Director

Bad Bitch Party was a quick and dirty concept video to experiment with a more masculine bay area hip hop style. The dancers who helped me out were amazing at channelling a heavier style and learned the choreography and shot the video that day.

Dancer, Video Editor

This is a concept video I assisted Julio Morales, an amazing bay-area born dancer, with. I brought together the production team to shoot the video and later edited it with Julius Miu.

Co-Artistic Director

This showcase performance was a military inspired set choreographed by multiple choreographers and directed by Feliciano Ortiz and myself. It is guided by a very loose storyline of a soldier's journey through a war.

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